Nisab Of Zakat On Gold In Islam. Dinamakan zakat, karena di dalamnya terkandung harapan untuk memperoleh berkah, membersihkan jiwa dan memupuknya dengan berbagai kebaikan (Fikih Sunnah, Sayyid Sabiq: 5). Sebagai salah satu rukun Islam, Zakat ditunaikan untuk diberikan kepada golongan yang berhak menerimanya (asnaf).

mewajibkan zakat pada harta orang-orang kaya dari kaum muslimin sejumlah yang dapat memberikan jaminan kepada orangorang miskin di kalangan mereka. Fakir miskin tidak akan menderita kelaparan dan kesulitan sandang pangan melainkan disebabkan perbuatan golongan orang kaya. Sebagai contoh, zakat mal terdiri atas uang, emas, surat berharga, penghasilan profesi, dan lain-lain, sebagaimana yang terdapat dalam UU No 23/2011 tentang Pengelolaan Zakat, Peraturan Menteri Agama No 52 Tahun 2014 yang telah diubah dua kali dengan perubahan kedua adalah Peraturan Menteri Agama No 31/2019, dan pendapat Syaikh Dr. Yusuf Al-Qardhawi serta para ulama lainnya.

Zakat fitrah hukumnya wajib untuk seorang muslim yang memenuhi kriteria merdeka (bukan budak atau hamba sahaya), mempunyai kelebihan makanan pada malam dan siang hari raya Idulfitri, juga menemui hari-hari bulan puasa dan awal jatuhnya satu Syawal. Demikian pula, jika ada anak yang lahir sebelum matahari terbenam pada akhir Ramadan, ia tetap dikenai zakat fitrah.

Dalam Ihya Ulumuddin, Al-Ghazali menyebutkan, seorang suami dikenai kewajiban untuk membayar zakat fitrah istrinya, anak-anaknya, budaknya, atau dapat disebut setiap anggota keluarga yang menjadi tanggungannya. Sebagai instrumen yang masuk dalam salah satu Rukun Islam, zakat tentu saja memiliki aturan mengikat dari segi ilmu fiqihnya, salah satu diantaranya adalah kepada siapa zakat diberikan.

At-Taubah ayat 60, Allah memberikan ketentuan ada delapan golongan orang yang menerima zakat yaitu sebagai berikut:.

Nishab and How to Issue Professional Zakat in Islamic Law

The purpose of this study was to determine the nishab and how to issue professional zakat in Islamic law. The data collection technique is carried out by the author by identifying themes or discourses from journals, theses from previous research results, the web (internet), or also data taken from other information related to the theme of this research to look for things in the form of notes, newspapers and and so on related to the research focus. The result of the research is that the professional zakat nishab according to the Fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) is worth 85 grams of gold with the level of income zakat is 2.5%. How to issue professional zakat, namely net expenditure or net zakat, namely issuing zakat from assets that still reach the nisab after deducting it for daily basic needs, both food, housing, debt and other basic needs for the needs of himself, his family and those who are dependents. That is, zakat income that reaches Translated from Indonesian to English - Nisab of 85 grams of gold in a year, is issued 2.5% immediately upon receipt before deducting anything.


profession business can be equated nisabnya with zakat crops that is 5 wasaq. classified as "a collar white", whose income is not so great, as doctors in hospitals,.

teachers or lecturers who only receive a fixed salary from the government agency. where it works, likened nisabnya with gold and silver nisab , which is 93.6 grams,. with a zakat obligation of 2.5 percent, issued every one year, and after expenditure.



The steps taken in this research are to examine the agricultural zakat theory in turast books, particularly those relating to the expansion of the scope of agricultural zakat, its calculation, the determination of its nisab and amount, its maqāṣid, and its position (whether it belongs to the act of worship or muamalat). This study included 30 Muslim farmers from the Kaloran subdistrict of Temanggung district in Central Java. Data was gathered through interviewing techniques and direct observation on the harvest, both in terms of the agricultural goods and the amount of money earned from selling the products, as well as on the farmers' economic conditions. The findings of this study indicate that the concept of agricultural zakat in the turast books cannot be separated from the Muslim scholars' debates and disagreements over the scope of agricultural zakat, the calculation, the determination of the nisab and the amount, and the position - whether it is in the domain of worship or muamalat.

This operationalization will prevent zakat collection from being off target, especially because many farmers with five wasaq net agricultural products are nonetheless considered as poor. In addition, this dissertation research empirically serves as being references for the establishment of new fatwas in the modern era, such as the one on zakat, as well as other fatwas based on the reinterpretation of Islamic principles in the area of muamalat in light of contemporary legal phenomena (waqi'iat).

Zakat Harta dari Hasil Undian Berhadiah dalam Perspektif Hukum

Nisab Of Zakat On Gold In Islam. Zakat Harta dari Hasil Undian Berhadiah dalam Perspektif Hukum

Keywords: Alms, Lottery, Gifts, Assets, Sharia,. This study aims to determine the law and position of the lottery results from prizes, and to know the zakat property laws from lottery results.

This study uses a qualitative library method with deductive data analysis. had done the lottery, so did the argument that explained that the Prophet Yunus had been thrown from a ship after the draw, and in general there was no argument that explained the forbidden draw.

Secondly, the law of issuing zakat assets from the lottery results is mandatory if the assets obtained from the lottery results do not overlap with Islamic law, for example in the category of goods that are not required to pay zakat, such as houses, land, vehicles and remain in accordance with the reckoning of the lottery results. If the gift has reached the Nisab, the zakat must apply in accordance with the provisions of gold and silver and also haul (held for a year), because this asset has become his property as a gift, which when he receives it becomes his property and is intended to be traded, this provision applies to lottery proceeds in the form of gold, silver and cash, while the rest is returned to the intention of the recipient of the prize, if he does not want to sell but only to be used, then the law that applies to the lottery results is not obligatory zakat.



Masalah dan tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pandangan Yusuf Qardhawi tentang zakat saham; untuk mengetahui pandangan Yusuf Qardhawi tentang zakat obligasi. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, Yusuf Qardhawi memaparkan dua pendapat mengenai saham. Pertama, membedakan zakatnya berdasarkan jenis perusahaannya, yang mana zakat untuk perusahaan dagang dikenakan tarif 2,5% sesuai qiyas zakat perdagangan dengan ketentuan zakat tersebut dikeluarkan dari nilai saham dan keuntungan setelah dikurangi nilai peralatan karena modalnya berbentuk barang yang materinya tidak tetap. Untuk perusahaan industri dikenakan tarif sebesar 10% dari keuntungan bersih karena modalnya terletak pada gedung, peralatan, dan perlengkapan.

Karena memandang bahwa saham itu kekayaan yang dapat diperjualbelikan maka zakatnya sebesar 2,5% dari nilai saham yang berlaku di pasar pada saat itu ditambah keuntungan dikurangi kebutuhan muzaki dan tanggungannya. Adapun mengenai obligasi Yusuf Qardhawi hanya memaparkan satu pendapat yakni memandang bahwa obligasi itu kekayaan yang dapat diperjualbelikan maka zakatnya sebesar 2,5% dari nilai saham yang berlaku di pasar pada saat itu ditambah keuntungan dikurangi kebutuhan muzaki dan tanggungannya. Adapun nisab dari zakat saham dan obligasi menurut Yusuf Qardhawi adalah senilai dengan nisab emas yakni 85 gr emas.

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