Mustahik Penerima Zakat Ada . . . Asnaf. Keywords: Zakah, Had Kifayah, Mustahiq, The Poors. Abstract.
Had kifayah is the sufficiency limit or basic standard of individual/family needs plus the adequacy of existing dependents as an effort to determine the eligibility of needy mustahik zakat recipients according to regional and local socio-economic conditions. This study aims to calculate the amount of kifayah had in Cirebon, Indramayu, Majalengka, and Kuningan (Ciayumajakuning). The method of calculating had kifayah refers to the had kifayah study issued by the PUSKAS BAZNAS, consisting of 7 dimensions: food, clothing, housing, household facilities, worship, education, and health, and transportation.
Sources of data used are primary and secondary data obtained through documentation, interviews, and observations. Based on the calculation results, the average amount of had kifayah in Ciayumajakuning around is IDR 2,977,187 per household per month, and the average amount of kifayah has per capita is IDR 832,853 per month.
Perintah zakat termasuk dalam rukun Islam sehingga hukumnya wajib bagi setiap muslim yang memenuhi syarat sesuai syariah. Menurut Imam Syafi’i, fakir merupakan orang yang tidak memiliki harta benda atau mata pencaharian. Gharim adalah orang yang memiliki utang dan terdesak mencari pinjaman untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-harinya, baik kepentingan pribadi, sosial, maupun agama.
Namun perlu dingat bahwa di masa kini jihad fi sabilillah tidak selalu berarti perang. Selain itu, fi sabilillah juga bisa berupa organisasi penyiaran dakwah Islam, proyek pembangunan masjid, dan kegiatan lain di jalan Allah SWT.