Contoh Kartu Pengambilan Zakat Fitrah. This research purpose to describe alms management applications in BAZNAS Region of South Tangerang City, and BAZNAS Region of South Tangerang City’s managements according to recents law. Alms management applications includes to Planning, Organizing, Actuating and Controlling (POAC), also according to Number Law 23 years 2011, Number Government Law 14 years 2014, also the others of BAZNAS law approach. The result of researchs shows that alms management in BAZNAS Region of South Tangerang City applied by revive ummah developing economics in the fight and alleviate proverty, there are (a) planning includes to targeting, predicting, timing, and directing programs on “Tangsel Cerdas, Tangsel Modern, and Tangsel Religius” programs.

(b) Organized by resourcers that have (alms) knowledge a lot. (d) Controlled by increased the muzakki access and fixes the deviations. Beside that, BAZNAS Region of South Tangerang City has not yet operated accordant with applicable regulations. BAZNAS Region of South Tangerang City would adjust its management to perform determining the recent leaders and members of the organizations, and alms management task to perform the function of collecting, distributing, and empowering in the planning, actuating, monitoring, reporting and accountability alms that seems down in line with the expectations.

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