Buku Hukum Zakat Yusuf Qardhawi. I've read the Arabic edition of this book, so i cannot comment on the quality of translation here. 1- His methodology in discussing nuances and details of some issues is selective at times, not to say that the.

I've read the Arabic edition of this book, so i cannot comment on the quality of translation here. 2- At times appeals to authority are used for legitimizing legal stances, and not enough analysis is done to challenge problematic issues found in medieval works of Islamic law.

3- The mainstay of the author is three medieval works: Al-Mughni of Ibn Qudamah, al-Majmu of al-nawawi, and al-Amwal of Abu Ubaid. These works span 3 schools (Hanbali, Shafi, and Hanafi respectively) as well as the independent reasoning of Abu Ubaid, a 4th century jurist.

I cannot at this time recall a Maliki source that was called on as frequently as these previous ones.

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Hukum zakat : studi komparatif mengenai status dan filsafat zakat

Buku Hukum Zakat Yusuf Qardhawi. Hukum zakat : studi komparatif mengenai status dan filsafat zakat

Nahwu dan Sharaf. Nahwu dan Sharaf. Kitab Minkaj dan Fara.

Ilmu ramal dan obat. Tindak pidana korupsi di bidang perkreditan / Gatot Supramono.

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