Bagaimana Shalat Jum'at Saat Pandemi Covid 19. Hukum shalat Jumat wajib bagi setiap mukallaf, baligh, aqil, laki-laki, merdeka yang tidak memiliki uzur. Kewajiban shalat didasarkan pada Surat Al-Jumu‘ah ayat 9 yang menuntut umat Islam untuk menghadiri panggilan Jumat.
Yang demikian itu lebih baik bagimu jika kamu mengetahuinya,” (Surat Al-Jumu‘ah ayat 9). Artinya, “Siapa saja yang meninggalkan tiga kali ibadah shalat Jumat tanpa uzur, niscaya ia ditulis sebagai orang kafir nifaq/munafiq,” (HR At-Thabarani).
Artinya, “Siapa meninggalkan tiga kali shalat Jumat karena meremehkan, niscaya Allah menutup hatinya,” (HR At-Turmudzi, At-Thabarani, Ad-Daruquthni). Hadits yang terakhir ini kemudian dijelaskan oleh Imam Ar-Ramli melalui Kitab Nihayatul Muhtaj. Artinya, “(Siapa meninggalkan tiga kali shalat Jumat karena meremehkan) dalam arti tidak ada uzur.
Lima jenis uzur ini disarikan dari pandangan keagamaan Lembaga Bahtsul Masail Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama (LBM PBNU) tentang Pelaksanaan Shalat Jumat di Daerah Terjangkit Covid-19 pada 19 Maret 2020 yang dikutip dari Kitab Al-Minhajul Qawim karya Ibnu Hajar Al-Haitami.
This study discusses the legal status of leaving Friday prayers during the Corana Virus pandemic. In this study there are four conclusions, first, the scholars agreed that the law of Friday prayer is mandatory for people who are affected by the law of taklif and are in a state of pain, fear of illness, fear of life and property, rain, very cold or very hot weather and the outbreak of a disease such as coronavirus.
It's part of the waiver in the goal of setting the law at a secondary level of need that turns into a primary need because the spread of this virus has been life-threatening. Third, it is obligatory to obey the leader, as long as the policy is not contrary to Islamic law.
To measure the conformity of the leader's policy with sharia by referring to a benefit. Fourth, as long as the udzur syar'i is still struck, leaving Friday prayers is no limit.