Jurnal Zakat Infak Dan Sedekah. Keywords: Accounting Information Systems, ZIS, Acceptance Cycle, Distribution Cycle. Abstract.
This research discusses the zakat, infaq and alms Accounting Information System at LAZISNU Pekalongan City. This research aims to analyze how the implementation of the Accounting Information System at LAZISNU Pekalongan City.
This research is the result of field research using data collection methods through interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this study are to show the flowchart accounting system for revenue and distribution at LAZISNU Pekalongan City that has never been made by the management.
Having a flowchart can help the management's performance more effectively and efficiently. There are still many people who have not put their trust in zakat management institutions as zakat distribution institutions.
This study aims to determine: 1) The position of Baitul Mal at BMT Amanah Ummah 2) Model of financing BMT Amanah Ummah for the dhuafa (poor people). 3) Distribution of ZIS funds for community empowerment in BMT Amanah Ummah.
This method of research used descriptive qualitative approach. This research was conducted in BMT Amanah Ummah Sukoharjo in June until August 2016.
The subject of the study was Amil treasury of BMT Amanah Ummah. Method of collecting data was done by observation, interview and documentation.
3) The distribution of funds of Zakat Infak and Sedekah (ZIS) at Baitul Mal BMT Amanah Ummah is allocated to programs of empowerment, health, education and charity. A larger portion of fund is allocated to the development programs.
Keywords: Peranan ZIS, Meningkatkan Perekonomian, Kota Metro. Zakat, infaq and almsgiving is one of the worship in Islam to seek pleasure from Allah SWT. In Islam besides worshiping zakat, infaq and almsgiving are also effective solutions for poverty alleviation.
Data collection through observation, documentation interview, triangulation and final stages is to draw conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the zakat management mechanism that exists in LAZISNU Metro City is quite good, but there are still some parts that are not maximal due to the obstacles faced.
The role of zakat, infaq and almsgiving in an effort to improve the economy of the community in Metro City runs in the form of consumptive assistance and productive assistance. Therefore LAZISNU Metro City needs to continue to evaluate in order to achieve a maximum role in an effort to improve the economy of the community in Metro City.
Abstrak. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh zakat, infak, sedekah (ZIS) dan inflasi terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia periode tahun 2010-2019. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif data sekunder yang diambil dari akses laporan yang dipublikasikan oleh Badan Pusat Statistik, Badan Amil Zakat Nasional dan Bank Indonesia.
Dengan menggunakan metode analisis regresi linier berganda didapatkan hasil, bahwa secara parsial variabel zakat, infak, sedekah (ZIS) (X1) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi. Dan secara parsial variabel inflasi (X2) tidak berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi.
Sedangkan secara simultan variabel zakat, infak, sedekah (ZIS) dan inflasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi.
This study describes the maps and strategies of developing the distribution of zakat, infak, and alms (ZIA) in Jombang regency. To achieve this goal, the study used field qualitative and developmental approaches, and descriptive analysis technique.
The zakat mustahik and the distribution target of infak and alms in Jombang are 71,421 pre prosperous families. supporting factors: (1) the normative basis of the Qur’an and the Hadith; (2) juridical foundation in the form of zakat law; (3) structural support; (4) operational fund guarantee; (5) organizational management system supported by the availability of building, space, and representative work facilities, and its human resources; (6) cooperation network with agencies, companies, and universities in accordance with the needs of the ZIA distribution development program.
Inhibiting factors cover: (1) no development of information media available to facilitate communication of ZIA distribution programs; (2) not yet available part of human resources needed according to requirement of distribution development; (3) not yet optimal management function and organizational management as the main strength of ZIA distribution programs.
Keywords: Effectiveness, zakat, donation, alms, Rumah zakat. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the distribution of funds (use of assets) at the Rumah Zakat Foundation by using the allocation to collection ratio (ACR).
This research uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. The research data was obtained by taking the publication of the financial statements of the zakat house foundation in 2018. Based on the results of the study it was concluded that the distribution of funds (use of assets) at the Rumah Zakat Foundation using the allocation to collection ratio (ACR) was very effective.
Gross Allocation to Collection Ratio of 0.892 (89.17%); Gross allocation to non-amil collection ratio of 0.874 (87.40%); Net Allocation to collection Ratio of 0.997 (99.71%); net Allocation to non-amil collection for 0.997 (99.66%).
Analisis Pengelolaan Zakat, Infak, Dan Sedekah (ZIS) Untuk Meningkatkan Ekonomi Duafa (Studi Kasus di Lembaga Amil Zakat Nurul Hayat Cabang Medan ). This study aims to analyze the way LAZ Nurul Hayat collects ZIS funds and to analyze how the distribution of ZIS by Nurul Hayat in improving duafa economists, to analyze how the strategy carried out by LAZ Nurul Hayat in improving the economy of the poor. Data collection techniques were carried out by in-depth interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that how to collect Zakat, Infaq, Sedekah funds is in three ways, namely amil coming to the place of muzaki, muzaki transferring funds to Nurul Hayat and the last one is muzaki coming directly to Nurul Hayat's office. The strategy carried out by Nurul Hayat is by monitoring the development of business carried out by mustahik who are given ZIS funds by monitoring and guiding if there are difficulties in developing their business.