Riba In Islamic Banking Pdf. Musyahidah, Siti and Ermawati, Ermawati and Nurdin, Nurdin (2021) The Effect of Riba Avoidance and Product Knowledge on the Decision to Become a Customer of Islamic Banks. The objective of this study is to find out the impact of riba avoidance motivation and product knowledge towards decision to be Islamic banks customers. Previous studies found that Muslim societies chose Islamic banks because they are interest-free.
Using the quantitative method, this study surveyed the effect of riba avoidance and product knowledge towards intention becoming Islamic bank costumers. Questions were distributed manually to the Islamic banks' customers.
Our study found that riba avoidance and product knowledge significantly affect the decision to become a customer of Islamic banks in Palu City. At the same time, partially, the motivation to riba avoidance and product knowledge has a significant effect on the decision to become a customer of Islamic banks. Our findings highlight that Islamic banks should focus on providing more free riba products to attract more Muslim customers.
Penelitian ini membahas tentang riba dan bunga bank dalam persfektif Islam. Dalam pandangan pragmatis riba berbeda dengan bunga bank. Karena di dalamnya bunga bank tidak ada unsur penambahan keuntungan yang berlipat ganda atau melampaui batas.
Selama keuntungan dari hasil pinjaman dengan menggunakan transaksi perbankan tidak ada unsur tersebut, maka hal itu tidak dapat dikatakan dengan riba. Setiap kegiatan transaksi perbankan yang di dalamnya terdapat unsur tersebut, maka dapat dikatakan sebagai riba, baik penambahan itu sedikit maupun banyak.
Data primer dalam penelitian ini merujuk pada karya-karya para ahli yang berbicara masalah bunga bank dan riba, seperti Sutan Remy Sjahdeini, Perbankan Syariah: Produk-Produk dan Aspek-Aspek Hukumnya, Abdal-Rahman Jazi, AI-Fiqh ala al-Madhahib al-Arba'ah, dan Abdullah Saeed, Islamic Banking And Interest: A Studi of Prohibition Riba and its Contemporary Interpretation. Kedua, perihal bunga bank keberadaannya masih menjadi polemik dikalangan para ulama Islam.
Over the last few years, Islamic trading transaction has become more popular in Indonesia. Retail trade in Islamic banks for an example.
There are many Islamic banks in Indonesia that provide alternative business transactions and halal product in retail trade to the public based on Islamic law, but Islamic banks must obey not only the origins of Islamic law, such as the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah but also Islamic principle in terms of the prohibition of uncertainty, interest and gambling when they run their business in retail trade. One of the agreements in retail trade is Murabaha which involves several possible structures, notably direct trading, company (seller) purchases via an agent or a third party and murabaha via the customer as an Agent. However, there are several contemporary issues, particularly Murabaha via Shares and executing time of Murabaha that still need to be discussed whether they disobey Islamic law and basic Islamic principles or not.
The Asian Journal of Islamic Management (AJIM) is published by P3EI-Center for Islamic Economics Studies and Development (Pusat Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Ekonomi Islam), Faculty of Business and Economics Universitas Islam Indonesia. In a response to the growing interest in the study of Islamic management within the past 10 years, P3EI as the oldest Islamic economics university-based study center in Indonesia feels that it is necessary to facilitate scholars to publish their papers.
AJIM is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes quality and in-depth analysis on current issues within Asia and Islamic management topics. It published the first edition in 2019 and continues the publication twice a year every June and December.
It is an open-access journal for scholarly readers. It welcomes strong and original evidence-based empirical studies on the aspect of Islamic management in the Asia context.
It might include topics such as Islamic leadership and followership, marketing of Islamic financial products and services, Muslim religiosity and behavior, Islam, technology and management, Riba, gharar, maisir and so forth. AJIM always strives for process and content quality improvement. The journal has its attempts to be well-recognized and accredited nationally and internationally.
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