Jurnal Riba Dan Implikasinya Dalam Keuangan Syariah. Niken Juliana, Y Sonafist, Nuzul Iskandar. When the discussion about the prohibition of bank interest law was crowded, Abdullah Saeed came up with an alternative thought. For Saeed, bank interest does not fall into the category of riba as many voices say today. Therefore, this study aims to answer several questions: how is the concept of riba in Saeed's thinking; how is that thought correlated with the law of bank interest; and what is the legal methodology that Saeed used to produce his opinion. To answer this question, this study uses a literature source in the form of Abdullah Saeed's writings and is supported by other relevant sources. This study finds that according to Saeed, the interest system applied by modern banking is completely different from the riba system at the time of the Prophet Muhammad that actually has its roots in pre-Islamic times.
In expressing this opinion, Saeed uses a historical approach to the texts that talk about riba, then uses the theory of wisdom which in some respects is similar to the theory of qiyas in the terminology of conventional Islamic law.
Authors A. Taufiq Buhari. Keywords: bank, usury. Abstract Islamic banks are banks whose activities leave usury problems. While usury is meant is excess property in a muamalah with no compensation.
The mechanism of interest-free Islamic banking / usury based on philosophical and practical reasons. The principle of Islamic banking profit sharing makes the risk of loss smaller than deposit interest, but this high profit share still cannot provide a large influence on the economy.
The reason is people still choose bank interest because the negative implications of the bank interest system are not felt directly individually in the near future by the public.
Islamic banks are banks whose activities leave usury problems. While usury is meant is excess property in a muamalah with no compensation.
The mechanism of interest-free Islamic banking / usury based on philosophical and practical reasons. The principle of Islamic banking profit sharing makes the risk of loss smaller than deposit interest, but this high profit share still cannot provide a large influence on the economy.
The reason is people still choose bank interest because the negative implications of the bank interest system are not felt directly individually in the near future by the public.
Banks exist to be the power of human economy. Problems arise related to the banking system which has narrowed to interest, it has become a controversial topic of discussion.
This led to differences of opinion among contemporary scholars such as Yusuf Qaradhâwi and Muhammad Sayyid Thantawi. The purpose of this study is to analyze the legal status of bank interest according to Yusuf Qaradhâwi and Muhammad Sayyid Thantawi and to find out its impact on the market share of Islamic banking in Indonesia.
Based on the research results, the law of interest according to Muhammad Syyid Thantawi is not a prohibited riba. The istinbâth ahkam method used by Thantawi in determining the status of bank interest is Al-Qur'an, hadith, qiyas, and mashlahah mursalah. According to Yusuf Qaradhâwi, the law of interest is the same as usury.
The istinbâth ahkam method used by Yusuf Qaradhâwi in determining the status of interest is Al-Qur'an, hadith, Ijma 'ulama, qiyas, and fiqh rules. Qradhawi's Opinion This needs to be supported considering the large number of Muslims in Indonesia, this is expected to change the paradigm of thinking of the public to conduct transactions with Islamic banks, as to increase the market share of Islamic banking in Indonesia. Keywords : Riba, Interst, Yusuf Yusuf Qaradhâwi, Muhammad Sayyid Thantawi and Market Share.
KHOTIBUL UMAM, was born in Magelang, 17 December 1982. He graduated from undergraduated program at Faculty of Law of Universitas Gadjah Mada in 2006 and master’s degree in Magister Ilmu Hukum at Faculty of Law of Universitas Gadjah Mada in 2009.
He also actively doing research, write books, and became speaker in various seminar. His work that have been published in journals and books that is: KPK (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi) dari A sampai Z, (Pustaka Yustisi, Yogyakarta: 2009), Trend Pembentukan Bank Umum Syariah Pasca UU No. 21 Tahun 2008 (Konsep, Regulasi, dan Implementasi), (BPFE, Yogyakarta: 2009); Hukum Ekonomi Islam: Dinamika dan Perkembangan di Indonesia, (InstanLib, Yogyakarta: 2009); Peningkatan Ketaatan Syariah Melalui Pemisahan (Spin-off) Unit Usaha Syariah Bank Umum Konvensional (Mimbar Hukum, 2010); Penyelesaian Sengketa di Luar Pengadilan, (Pustaka Yustisi, Yogyakarta: 2010); Modal Ventura: Alternatif Pembiayaan Bagi Usaha Mikro, Kecil, Menengah, dan Koperasi, (BPFE, Yogyakarta : 20110); Hukum Lembaga Pembiayaan, (Pustaka Yustisia, Yogyakarta: 2010); Memahami dan Memilih Produk Asuransi, (Pustaka Yustisia, Yogyakarta: 2011); Legislasi Fikih Ekonomi Perbankan, (BPFE, Yogyakarta, 2011); Legislasi Fikih Ekonomi Perbankan: Sinkronisasi Peran Dewan Syariah Nasional dan Komite Perbankan Syariah (Mimbar Hukum, 2012); Koperasi Jasa Keuangan Syariah Baitul Maal Wat-Tamwil (Studi Kasus di Beringharjo, Yogyakarta) (Media Hukum, 2013); Implikasi Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 93/PUU-X/2012 Bagi Penyelesaian Sengketa Bisnis dan Keuangan Syariah (Jurnal Konstitusi, 2015); Corporate Action Pembentukan Bank Syariah (Akuisisi, Konversi, dan Spin-Off) (UGM Press, Yogyakarta : 2015); Filsafat Hukum dan Etika Profesi (Universitas Terbuka, Tangerang : 2015); Hukum Islam dan Acara Peradilan Agama (Universitas Terbuka, Tangerang : 2015); dan Perbankan Syariah : Dasar-dasar dan Dinamika Perkembangannya di Indonesia (PT RajaGrafindo Persada, Jakarta : 2016). Became speaker in Seminar Nasional Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia (KOPMA UNY, 2010), Trainer in Tentoran Keluarga Mahasiswa Notariat FH UGM (2011), Trainer and Modul Development Hukum dan Etika Bisnis CPPR MEP UGM dan Kemitraan, Jakarta (2011-2012), Speaker at Konferensi Negara Hukum Kerjasama Mahkamah Konstitusi dan Epistema Institute, Jakarta (2012), became one of International Speaker in 5th International Conference on Islamic Jurisprudence in the 21st Century 2014 (ICIJ2014) in Department of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia (23rd-25th September 2014) with working paper entitled “Economic Fiqh as Source of Legal Development on Inclusive Economic in Indonesia”; and keynote speaker in Sharia School that have been organized by Islamic Law Forum (2015-2016). In 2011-2012 became secretary of Research and Development Unit, Faculty of Law of Universitas Gadjah Mada; Since 2013 until now became Editor in Chief Jurnal Mimbar Hukum, Faculty of Law of Universitas Gadjah Mada; member of Majelis Pengawas Daerah Notaris Gunung Kidul (2011- now), and Vice Chairman of Research and Publication in Asosiasi Pengajar dan Peneliti Hukum Ekonomi Syariah (APPHESI).
A. N. R. Muhammad Anwar Fathoni, “Peran Pesantren dalam Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Umat di Indonesia,” Proceeding Conf. S. Sudanto, “Pelarangan riba dan bunga dalam sistem hukum kontrak syariah,” Teraju, vol. Maida Khairani, “Sikap Karir (Studi Kasus pada Komunitas Masyarakat Anti Riba Pekanbaru),” pp.
J. Aryani, S. Suparmin, and Y. Samri, “Analisis Efektivitas Kontribusi Komunitas Masyarakat Tanpa Riba,” TANSIQ J. Manaj. Allah SWT telah mewajibkan bagi setiap muslim untuk mengeluarkannya sebagai penyuci harta mereka ,” vol.