Hari Raya Puasa Versus Haji. Hari Raya Puasa falls on 13 May this year. However, it’s not to be confused with Hari Raya Haji which follows on 19 July.
Directly translated from Malay to English, the term hari raya means “big (or grand) day of rejoicing”¹ and can refer to any celebration or festive occasion. However, these two major Islamic holidays in Singapore are very different days of celebration.
For the uninitiated, let us guide you through the 3 differences between Hari Raya Puasa and Hari Raya Haji!
Hari Raya Puasa aka Eid-ul-Fitr was celebrated on 13 May 2021 and signified the end of the fasting month of Ramadan, while Hari Raya Haji is celebrated to mark the Muslim pilgrimage (hajj), and is a day when Muslims usually perform the annual ‘korban’ ritual. Hari Raya Haji commemorates the willingness of the Islamic prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ismail in an act of obedience to God.
The korban is one of the main rituals, and involves the sacrificial slaughtering of livestock such as cows, sheep or goats. The sacrifice ritual is done quickly (the jugular vein at the animal’s throat is slit quickly to ensure the quickest death possible), then the meat is cleaned and distributed to the community, the poor and needy.
Muslims in Singapore have raised funds to conduct the ritual in countries such as Australia, Indonesia and Cambodia instead, where the meat will be distributed to the communities there. Besides the korban ritual, Muslims usually congregate to perform Hari Raya Haji prayers in the morning at the mosque and then visit close family members just like they do during Hari Raya Puasa. Read More: Prepping Your Kids for Family Celebrations & Witty Comebacks to ‘Kepoh’ Relatives.
Effective April 2, non-resident foreigners are not allowed to transit or enter Indonesia. All visa exemptions and visa on arrival to foreigners are suspended.
Passengers permitted entry and arriving from the UK need a negative COVID-19 test result taken within 48 hours of arrival. Indonesia Coronavirus Travel Guide.
While this is heartbreaking for many people who look forward to it, knowing that this is done for the greater good and health of everyone helps to ease the pain somewhat.With crowd control and social distancing measures put in place, the pandemic has made this a rather unprecedented event as Hajj crowds typically reach millions of visitors.an act of faith and obedience to God, his son was not actually sacrificed! But if we stand firm in our belief in God - just like how Prophet Ibrahim did - we will definitely be given the strength to pull through our challenges ?Unfortunately, the ritual has been plagued by conflicting accounts of how they are carried out. Islam's method of slaughter ensures a quick and humane death to the animal.Credit: Mohd Fazlin Mohd Effendy Ooi on Flickrconditions of animal slaughter in Islam is that a sharp knife must be used and the two jugular veins (windpipe and food-tract) must be cut, not beheaded. As this leads to a sudden loss of blood from the brain, the animal's body will shut down almost immediately - ensuring a fast and almost painless death. MUIS (the Islamic body in Singapore) also conducts pre-inspections of participating premises and on-site inspection during the ritual ?Due to COVID-19 pandemics this year, Singapore's MUIS has even instituted controls to ensure that hygiene standards are higher than ever. Many people these days choose to do their sacrifice in less developed countries such as Syria, where the meat will be entirely donated to the needy.do, our intentions must be pure and sincere.
Hari Raya Puasa is a time to celebrate the victory of completing the fasting month and the overcoming of personal struggles during Ramadan. It is also observed as a time of feasts, homecoming, contemplation, forgiveness, reconciliation and the strengthening of bonds amongst family members and relatives. These online platforms also offer a wide array of choices of stylish outfits from modest fashion to a contemporary take on traditional costumes.
Thankfully, projects like “Gift-A-Kurung” have helped the underprivileged, who cannot afford to buy new Hari Raya outfits, to do so through donations of unused and trendy Baju Kurungs. With varies Hari Raya hampers to choose from and a wide variety and assortment of halal goodies, you’ll no doubt be able to find the perfect gift to celebrate the festivities without unnecessary inconvenience. Put a smile on your host’s face by presenting them with gorgeous Hari Raya flower decorations such as a bloom of brightly coloured eustoma and lilies.
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Dalam hadistnya, Nabi Muhammad SAW telah mengingatkan umatnya untuk jangan sampai melewatkan bulan Dzulhijjah. Artinya: Abdurrahman bin Abi Bakrah menarasikan dari ayahnya, Rasulullah SAW mengatakan, "Ada dua bulan yang pahala amalnya tidak pernah berkurang saat hari Id.
Berbagai jenis ibadah bisa dilaksanakan para muslim demi mendapatkan keutamaan bulan Dzulhijjah. Salah satunya adalah puasa sebelum Idul Adha atau yang biasa disebut Lebaran Haji.
Bagi yang ingin lebih dekat dengan Allah SWT dan mengharapkan pengampunanNya, bisa melakukan puasa arafah pada 9 Dzulhijjah 1441 H atau Kamis (30/7/2020).
The government also declares that collective leave should be taken on some days, usually a monday or Friday, before or after a national holiday in order to create a long weekend. You can also take advantage of the fact that many hotels in tourist areas, particularly in Bali, offer special rates to ITAS holders or expatriate residents during these long weekends for great escapes from city life! In some cities in Indonesia, such as Yogyakarta and Solo (Surakarta), believers celebrate the Maulid by conducting parades or carnivals, reciting special prayers and singing holy songs which they called ‘Barzanzi’. Just prior to Lebaran a mass exodus (mudik) from Jakarta of millions of people occurs as residents return to their villages to celebrate with family and friends.
A common site in the days/weeks leading up to the holiday is the selling of goats, water buffalo and the tethering of these animals in neighborhoods in preparation for the big day. On New Year's Day, all the island's inhabitants, Hindus or not, are not allowed to leave their homes, cook, used lights, listen to music, watch TV, or engage in any activity that makes any noise. Buddhists celebrate Waisak by praying to their God Sang Tri Ratna as thanks giving for creating and maintaining the earth and its resources in harmony. Two of the large Buddhist monasteries are located in North Jakarta (Sunter) and West Java (Pacet), where traditional celebrations can be witnessed.
Likewise at Waisak, a procession of approximately 25,000 Buddhist devotees commences at Mendut and proceeds slowly to Borobudur, the array of robes, banners, flowers, incense, colors and sounds providing a feast for all of the senses.