Happy Hari Raya Puasa Greetings. Sorry, the browser you are using is no longer supported by Shutterstock. Please upgrade your browser to continue.
During this significant period Muslims all over the world engage in a 30 day fasting rites from dawn to sunset, intended to educate them in spirituality, humility and patience. Hari Raya Puasa or Hari Raya Aidilfitri, marks the end of Ramadan and is considered the festival of gratitude to God and an occasion celebrated with families and loved ones. Balik kampung or Homecoming is just like the tradition in the west during Christmas seasons – when everyone returns to their hometowns to celebrate the occasion with their families. It is expected that around this time air, land and sea tickets will be sold out quickly so everyone tends to book their journey home in advance.
It is also greatly encouraged that during this time, Muslims are to give an obligatory tithe also known as ‘zakat fitrah’ which is collected by the mosques and is then distributed to the needy and less privileged. “Maaf zahir dan batin” is a common greeting usually said by the person asking for forgiveness, this means “I seek forgiveness from you in body and spirit.” This certain act exceeds beyond just celebration, it leads to reconciliation and fostering relationships between families and friends. These foods are never to be missed, every household will surely have these: ketupat, rendang, lemang and kueh raya. Above all else “diet” is a forgotten word on the day of celebration, it’s all about having good food while being surrounded by great company of people. And since this season calls for a lot of festivities at home, check out the link below on how to store your fresh foods and leftovers:. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to our Muslim brothers and sisters!
This year Hari Raya Idul fitri falls on 13th of May, 2021, Thursday with most of the offices and businesses having “shared holiday or collective leave” from 13th of May to 19th of May or even longer. Other eccentric heritage in Islamic community of Indonesia is to say – minal aidzin walfaizin, mohon maaf lahir dan batin as greetings of Idul Fitri.
The cheerful and sparkling occasion at the end of the month of fasting that is, Ramadan is called Idul Fitri and Lebaran in Indonesia. Gatherings are held and even non-Muslims friends and acquaintances are invited to join the get together in order to celebrate the occasion and greet each other.
The first and the foremost tradition of Selamat Idul Fitri is to forget the grievances and bitterness that people hold on for others and light up the sparks of love in their hearts. Check these meaningful and scintillating selection of Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1442 Greeting cards which is created with painstaking attention.
The telecommunication traffic has been increased due to the ongoing pandemic as it has drawn a force field border line on home coming. People heavily rely on the social media networks to send best wishes and greetings on festivals to stay in touch with their families. Selamat Hari Raya Puasa is a festival of honouring the triumph of completing the fasts of the month of Ramadan. Though this year, the pandemic has put a ban on crowding but video calls are surely the other way round to celebrate the festival with your loved ones digitally.
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